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Game Devlog - First round of updates

An update of my exploits with game development and Godot.

November 6, 2023

First post available here.

Welcome back to another development log of my game. Aside from fighting with the Godot editor, I have been having a positive experience with the engine itself. It's docs are good enough to be able to get by mostly on my own. The questions & answers available on their forums as well videos people put out on youtube are all great and incredibly helpful. I have to say I'm quite happy with it so far (aside from my editor woes).

Game updates

First set of updates to my game

This iteration has a laundry list of updates. A lot of background invisible updates to my system for managing player and hitbox states, as well as a lot of basic features you would expect to find in a fighting game.

Features of this version in no particular order:

  • Variable jump heights
  • Disallow movement when performing an attack
  • Add hitbox hitstop
  • Handle directional inputs for attacks
  • Migrate hitbox state to individual nodes
  • Hook player health into UI element
  • Add different sprites for player states
  • Continue hitboxes where they left off after experiencing hitstop
  • Make hitstop halt player momentum in air
  • Various players states and transitions between them
  • Formula for calculating launch speed and hitstun
  • Adjustable gravity / weight / ground speed / air speed / dash speed
  • Fix launch vector sudden stop
  • Add double jump
  • Add aerial attack landing cancelling and end lag