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First release of MTG Card Seer

A new JavaScript library I'm developing for MTG card image previewing on the web.

August 4, 2021

If you've read any of my Magic related posts you have undoubtedly seen this functionality where it shows you a card preview when hovering a link. If you haven't read any (aww...) then maybe you've seen this functionality on pretty much any MTG strategy content website. Either way, today I'm here to tell you that you, yes you can be using this feature on your own website today.

Introducing MTG Card Seer

I just recently put up my implementation of this auto card preview to be publicly usable by anyone on their own website or app. It is available under the MIT license (free to use and modify as you wish) on GitHub as well as a package on npm . My goal is to make this as easy and flexible to use as possible so anyone can benefit from it. The 1.0 release has very basic functionality and I am planning on adding a lot in the coming weeks.

Why make this

There are currently only a couple publicly available packages that accomplish the same thing. From what I found in searching, one is restricted to use in React, and the other, which I was using up until now (still using for 1 feature), accomplishes very much the same thing I set out to accomplish. The library is great and does what I wanted it to do, but it was lacking a couple features that I wanted on my website. I was originally going to make some PRs to their codebase as it is also open source, but after looking into it I decided I wanted to do a lot of things very differently and instead of trying to totally upend their codebase I decided to make my own.

I do want to give credit to and thank mtgify and its creator for the time I used it and for inspiring me to build my own. It has the best name possible for a tool like this which I'm definitely a little jealous of. Check it out, use it over mine if it does something you want that mine doesn't do yet. Check out the creator mpaulweeks , I believe he works on a web based fighting game which is pretty sick.

Card Seer is a good name though

Why yes it is, thank you. I have to give credit to my friend Andrew Ha for the name as I did not come up with it. I asked a group chat for help brainstorming names and this was his first suggestion which I immediately liked. It has a very Magic feel to it. Viscera Seer was also a star card in two of my old school grinder decks, so the name gets bonus points for sentimental value by association.

As always, thanks for reading!